

Better Globe AS and Tree Partner Solutions AB

Better Globe AS is a Norwegian social enterprise that markets and sells green and sustainable products to help reduce poverty and corruption in East Africa. By selling Donation and Sponsor Packages, they effectively help crowdfund Better Globe Forestry Ltd.’s (BGF) activities in Kenya and Uganda.

BGF’s admirable goal is to reduce poverty and corruption through large-scale tree-planting activities in East Africa’s arid and semi-arid areas. BGF is dedicated to fostering employment opportunities in rural communities. They help farmers increase their yield using agroforestry techniques. They provide training, social support, and finances microloan banks, schools, and water-related projects.

The compassionate customers of Better Globe AS, who support the effort by purchasing Donation Packages and Sponsor Packages, have so far been the primary funding source for BGF’s business activities. With support from people like Goodfoot, BG can tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges in a sustainable and economically sound way.

There products help plant African mahogany trees. Becoming a customer of Better Globe AS is financially sustainable for us as a customer. Half of the trees we sponsor through our purchases are administered by the Swedish tree asset management company, Tree Partner Solutions AB (TPS). As a gesture of gratitude for supporting TPS and BGF’s partner farmers, we have the chance to swap the receipts from half of the trees we assist in planting for shares in TPS through yearly share offerings.


Kokoons mission is to become the most revered player in Clean Energy, Clean Water and Health. Kokoon is a property developer, one which creates the very best facilities, and then, utilising the latest, most efficient technologies, has the worlds best expertise operate those facilities to achieve the very best results.

Kokoon has significant property assets in Arguineguin, Gran Canaria, where the first of the major Kokoon Clinics is nearing completion, at an estimated total investment of €45 million inclusive of medical equipment. This medical precinct is comprised of three buildings; renovation of the first is complete, with the other 2 currently under construction. And we will open for business as soon as possible.

Kokoon seeks a robust foundation of respectful engagement with government and people in all markets in which we operate: our business activities must return as much economic prosperity to local people as possible, both through the payment of proper living wages and by maximising the value-add potential of our products and services locally.

Kokoon is setting a new standard of the highest level of ethics, and by holding that standard and leading by example.

As we go about our business around the world, navigating different circumstances and ever changing parameters and timelines, we must focus on long term goals. We understand that when doing things that have never been done before, those that are resistant to change will attempt to tarnish reputations, undermine and smear individuals, and make outrageous personal attacks. Kokoon must stand strong in the face of such adversity.

To be the best player, at whatever cost it takes, Kokoon will do it right and under no circumstances will we allow ourselves to be compromised by taking the cheap and easy way out. We are investing in practical solutions to address current needs and strive to create a better future.

We lead a path forward with a strong sense of hope and prosecute an immensely positive vision for the future; we are enacting the plans, not just talking.Kokoon is a business focussed on making a profit and does not believe in employing charity to achieve our goals.


TRILLANT is a revolutionary cryptocurrency system. It represents the union of technological progress and digital networking that is taking into account the most innovative assets on the blockchain.

TRILLANT is an alternative to the existing financial system. It enables people to regain control of their finances and is created exclusively for self-managed money, which is not controlled by traditional institutions.

TRILLANT is a global community of individuals & businesses. The entire structure is trained in the tried and tested concept of affiliation and the thought of „WE“ is created which inspires true team spirit.